Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Uncle Jesse

John Stamos is a mediocre actor, celebrity, and person. You never hear about him. I don't know why he hasn't done much with his career. He's probably wondering the same thing. Ever since "Full House" ended and he was no longer Uncle Jesse, he dropped off the face-of-the-earth. Anyways. When I leave comments on blogs, I don't want people to think of "John Stamos". I want them to think of the meaning behind his name.

What might the be you ask?

I'm not sure either. I just think Big John kicks butt. His beard is pretty sexy too. It makes me want a beard. Just like Mr. Nelson, except less... hairy.

I love writing, hopefully this first post is intriguing enough to keep you reading future posts. If not, I'm sorry to lose your attention so easily. Maybe you should go read a gossip magazine or watch "Walking dead" or something.

Another awkward situation I'm in... Do I end with a signature, or coined-phrase? I'm not sure. I'll just do it, not because Nike told me to though.


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