Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reminisce, talk some...

Sometimes I think about thinking.
Sometimes I think about pondering about reminiscing about thinking.
Sometimes I just think.

My mind molds and forms the most unique and optimistic situations when thinking about you.
When thinking about you I smile, even though no one is around to see it. I still smile because in my head I'm subliminally proving to myself the truthfulness.

Now, I am not a deep person when it comes to writing.  I find deep-writing fake because it's an easy scapegoat to pretend like you know what you're talking about.
When it comes to thinking though, who REALLY understands it.  Possibly, deep-gooey-lovey writing is what is necessary for "thinking" posts.  Nahhh.
I thought I understood thinking, until "the girl of my dreams" turns out to be girl-zilla and starts ripping Asians heads off and dunking them in basketball hoops.  I now feel bad for the lad who gets hitched to that monster.  What was I thinking at the time?  I wasn't.  My cerebral-cortex must have a glitch or something because that one sure blindsided me like a I was standing between a Catholic Priest and a small boy..... too soon? Sorry.

I'm thinking about you like Mike Taylor thinks about ALL the people ripping-off his poetry format. Also, I watched that slam AT LEAST 30 times before I even signed up for Creative Writing. Call me hipster.

I was just thinking about her.  Who's her?  I'm not exactly sure.  Sometimes when I do that imagining thing I spoke of, the people in my thoughts have no faces.  They have no personality or voice.  I tell them what to do because they're are in my head, MY thoughts.  She's in MY thoughts.  SHE, doesn't know I'm thinking about her.  What if she's thinking about me?  Do I have a face, voice, or personality in her imagination.  Probably not.  That is why my beautifully crafted optimistic situations with hugs and kisses and honesty never go the way expected. Why? Because we don't have faces. Thinking about you never includes the two-way road that is necessary in real life.

Take that in for consideration.



  1. "Sometimes I think about thinking.
    Sometimes I think about pondering about reminiscing about thinking.
    Sometimes I just think."
    "Who's her?"
    "That is why my beautifully crafted optimistic situations with hugs and kisses and honesty never go the way expected."

    We're the same person. Consider these lines stolen; it's a beautiful post. I think I love your blog a lot.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Do you know how many times I've read this.
    "...Thinking about you never includes the two way road that is necessary in real life." STOLE IT.
