Sunday, May 19, 2013

J.Stamos. also known as...

I'm not an easy person to read.
I come across as intimidating and mysterious, and I'm not sure why.
If you don't know me I'm sure you think I'm a punk, but obviously you just don't know me.

Those that know me, know that I never shut up.  I always have something to say and a lot of the time I speak before I think.

They know that I am kind, and friendly and always have a smile on my face.
You don't realize that sometimes I just paint a smile on my face like a clown, and put antiperspirant deodorant on my eyes to stop myself from crying.

Everyone knows I have facial hair and assume that I'm super-mature, but they don't realize I choose to be immature because it's more fun like that.

I'm self-conscious about my appearance, but I don't let people realize this.
My self-esteem is usually hovering around average or above, which means I have an arrogant-essence.

I'm not one to sugar-coat around things.  I'm straight-forward and if you don't like my bluntness, then you should probably stop asking my opinion or saying something that makes me express my opinion.

I'm really good at hiding my feelings about other people.  I could have a crush on someone and they'd never know, or I could respect you like none-other and you think I look down on you; irony.  You've always been an example, I just might never tell you this.

I'm a question, and I'm full of answers.
I take nappy-naps on the weekly because night-time is the best time to have fun.

I don't have much more to reveal because I'm tired and didn't get a nappy-nap today.

I'm Nate Walton, and I approve this message.



  1. You should know that I use your Most Amazing Post Ever to get to skyward on a daily basis. Just throwin' that one out there.

    1. Also, your blog impresses me and I would have never guessed.
